Dear Valued Customers,
Firstly, thank you for telling us that you are enjoying our weekly updates. We do try to personalize our Newsletters to keep your interest alive.
As we continue to face one of the biggest challenges our Industry has ever experienced, our day-to-day agency life goes on. One we've become accustomed to over the past 2 1/2 months. We've been kept busy amending reservations and seeking credit and refunds where possible, and offering advice and care. All these things we do well.
Thank you to those who have called by to say "hello", pick up some brochures and enquire about holidays, since we reopened the door a few weeks ago. We appreciate your kindness, your concern and your generosity.
We care about all of the people and places that have been badly affected by Covid-19 and the associated lock-downs. Likewise, we also care about our fellow traders in Church Street. Most have now reopened, so please “Shop Local”, and hopefully they will all recover quickly, even though it will be sooner than the travel industry.
BUT wait - there is good news. This week has been our busiest in 10 weeks with lots of interest, quoting and making bookings of holidays in Australia and Fiji. And my first new Cruise booking for a while – on the luxury Silversea SILVER MUSE. 21 days from Sydney to Fremantle via New Zealand in October this year! The deal was too good to ignore – free Business Class flights, 10% discount, and $1,200.00 on board spending. I'm tempted too !
So I thought it timely that if you're thinking of a holiday close to home, have a look at the list below. It shows what each state has to offer just in case you've overlooked some of these iconic destinations and resorts, etc.
And I've done my Q & A as well.
Julie Avery